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Friday 21 October 2011

Clothes and Props

Clothes to wear for filming in Cambridge

    Jean trousers
  • long sleeved top/polo
  • baggy style clothes
  • fleece/jumper
  • converse/plimpsoles shoes
  • accoustic guitar
  • Jean trousers
  • grey/dark top
  • cardigan
  • scarf
  • fluffy hat
  • ugg boots
  • small bag
Clothes to wear for filming in Thaxted

  • Jean trousers
  • plain white t shirt
  • scruffy hair
  • socks, no shoes
  • knitted fleece
  • leggins
  • baggy long top/fleece
  • bracelett
  • socks
We decided that these items of clothing would look suitable for our music video because these are the types of clothes found in similar music videos to singer songwriter or indie. The fashion and representation of the actors and artist in the music video is very imporant as it may influence the audiences clothes choice, similarly the artist has to represent the conventional clothing styles to fit into their intended music genre.

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